
Showing posts from April, 2021


  Consumer Purchase Decision   Theory of Planned Behaviour   “ Attitudes defined as a positive or negative feeling in relation to the achievement of an  objective. ”   “ Subjective norms, which are the very representations of the individuals’ perception in relation to the ability of reaching those goals with the product. ”   Fishbein  &  Azjen  (1975     Staats, (2004)  stated that  t he TRA believes that the action being investigated is under volitional supervision, meaning that people feel they can carry out the behaviour anytime they want. The TRA began to be used more often for the analysis of activities in which influence was a dependent factor over time. The TRA was supplemented with a variable called perceived behavioural regulation for this reason.   This definition describes the degree to which people feel they will do the behaviour whether they have sufficient capabilities and/or resources, or because they lack them. Since certain activities need specialised skills or add


  Conclusion   In a nutshell, the aim of this research paper was to investigate the effect of brand equity on customer purchasing decisions of mobile phones, responses were gathered from both males and females, total of 300 respondents. Respondents for this study paper came from a variety of age groups, wage levels, occupations, education, location, status and variety of smartphone brands.  The majority of  respondents were males between the ages of 18 and 27, with a bachelor's degree as their educational experience. A closed-ended questionnaire was created and circulated to assess the various factors influencing purchasing decisions, including brand awareness, brand quality, and brand loyalty. However, according to the results,  the majority of  respondents believed that brand awareness, brand quality, and brand loyalty guided and affected their purchase decision when purchasing cell phones.   Other than that, the outcomes of the correlation and multiple regression analyses reveal